Silent Retreat By Anne Simpson
- Start Date: Thursday 17th October, 15:00
- End Date: Sunday 20th October, 14:00
- Residential Price: £ 575.00 per person
Many of us crave stillness to seek the space within from which we can move forward with quiet certainty. This retreat is an individual experience; some of us may want to spend it away from the group and some may want to remain as part of the group. It is important to listen to your needs and meet them. For example - dress in comfortable clothing and in layers; go outdoors and breathe fresh air; rest; sleep etc.
The intention of a silent retreat is to provide a silent space to just be in the safe, warm, nurturing environment that Claridge House provides. There are no distractions of daily life and so everyone will be free to enjoy the act of being. The silence will be complete. At meals, in group sessions, and it is recommended that there is no outside contact with friends and family for the duration of the retreat so as to get the full benefits. The silence will start after the first Group Session before retiring on Thursday night, and talking will start again after Meeting For Worship on Sunday morning and in the final Group Session we will integrate our experience. We will then celebrate our silence with a chatty lunch
Each day of the retreat has allocated sessions when the group meets. The facilitator will start each session with minimal instruction so as to avoid too much thinking, but enough direction for each participant to go into their silent space with support, knowledge and confidence. The intention is only to create a safe environment of peace and equanimity where the course participants can go into the silence. Each session starts with a guided healing journey to, hopefully, create balance.
The course has no religious bias and the instructions are taken from many traditions.
Should the need arise for a participant to discuss an issue which might arise for them during the course the facilitator is available in a break as a listening ear. Participants are asked to maintain the silence within the group setting except when asked for brief feedback on a meditation support after it has been practiced.
Many people who have done a Silent Retreat have fed back that they found it extremely beneficial on all sorts of levels. Many of us today fear silence but actually it is a very beautiful and healing place to visit.
Anne Simpson, an experienced Course Facilitator and Quaker Healer, will be running this silent retreat.
Rooms available to check in from 3pm on Thursday
Quiet time at 4:45pm
Tea and cake at 4pm
Supper at 6.30pm
First course session starts 7:45pm
Breakfasts and lunches will be served on trays in the Dinning Room.
Course ends with Sunday Lunch, depart by 2.00pm
If you wish to stay longer, or start your stay earlier, please contact us about availability.
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